Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thoughts for Thursday

picture credit
  • I have a fear two uniformed men are approaching my door and I am home alone.

  • Are their certain days that all children everywhere are just rotten? (yesterday was one if you need an example)

  • Does your heart flip every which way when the phone rings at an odd hour?

  • I feel accomplished this week most of my Christmas presents are purchased and wrapped. No midnight wrapping party this year!

  • I'm in search of the perfect outfit - however I do believe I stopped dressing in "outfits" by the age of 10

  • I'm looking forward to mowing my yard - with my straw hat on - I'm cute

  • I think sometimes there should be a medal for being a mean mom - I'd wear it!


  1. There were six really rotten kids in my house yesterday (3 were my own rotten kids), so there may be something to your theory.

  2. I bet you are cute in that straw hat! And mom's really do deserve a medal, sometimes being mean is what it takes! You definetly are accomplished for having Christmas shopping done, I'm usually done now too, but this year I haven't even gotten started! My kids were rotten all last week, so I think it's goin around :)HEHE! We miss you guys and Please call me if you need anything!!! David is leaving for his deployment in 3 weeks, so we could have us a party!!

  3. Waiting for pictures of you and the strawhat on the mower.
