Monday, July 26, 2010

This Didn't Work

Why are there timers on cameras? When Bapa was visiting this last week, we went out to do some pictures. This is the result of the 10 second timer on my camera. I love my tripod, it's great! The timer part, we'll have to work on that. Imagine what we would have gotten if I used the 3 second timer! More posts about this past week will follow.


  1. Great spot for pics and I'm sure you got some good ones. Can't wait to see more.

  2. Too funny! You look like you're doing the chicken dance! and Big Daddy there is trying to blow raspberries or something!
    Oh - and in response to your little vacation voting question - TOTALLY come to UTAH!!!! and you are more than welcome to stay with me -wherever that may be!

  3. You're gonna have to splurge on a wireless remote! :) (you can get them pretty cheap - maybe $25 or so!)
