I've asked in the past - why do we do this? And, we smile?! I think secretly everyone knows I like them.

Obligatory picture before we went in. You know, you may never find your way out!

Our choice in maps. We took the SUPER EASY one so the kids could answer correctly. Again, secretly I was afraid of the maze, I'm not so good with directions when all I have to rely on is the sun or moon.

Picture of the girls IN the maze. Doesn't Miss Priss look thrilled? They were troopers and stayed together quite well. We did get "lost" a few times. We made it though.

Drama Queen trying her hand at the corn cannon. I didn't whip out the camera until she was the only one left to shoot. If you hit the target you got a small bag of kettle corn. Little Mama hit the target and boy was that kettle corn yummy. We wanted to get more but you had to stand in a terribly long line, place your order and then wait 30-45 minutes for more kettle corn. The poor young men and women running that booth simply couldn't keep up with all the demand. It was probably the BEST kettle corn I've had since the street markets in California.

Miss Priss's fall portrait. Yes, it was humid and hot and windy. Miss Priss was trying to smile and this was the best she could do. Right after this picture she started complaining her lips were hurting. Poor thing her lips were chapped.

Drama Queen sittin' pretty with a fall pumpkin.

All my gorgeous girls!

Drama Queen Fall Portrait

All my beautiful girls again.

Cowgirl's Fall Portrait - I love the smile on this girls face! Her whole body is smiling! Can you see it too?

The girls loved the "Cow-ch."

Diva's Fall Portrait
So, one of the biggest things we were looking forward to was the pumpkin patch. Little Mama had called in advance and spoken to someone at the farm about the pumpkin patch. She assured me that the kids would love it and get to wander around a select their choice of pumpkin. When we arrived at the field, there was little selection. We did not get a single pumpkin. We got back on the hay wagon to ride back to the main maze and saw something wonderful. More pumpkins! You see - this is apparently how pumpkins "grow" in our part of the country. 

The pumpkins "grow" in these special containers. Do you see how bare the field was? Some wonderful farm hands help to distribute the "fresh grown" pumpkins for you enjoyment. 

Gentle boys! These are "fresh grown."

The girls all followed the tractor around like deer follow a feed truck on the hunting ranches. It was pretty funny!

Drama Queen had found an itty bitty baby pumpkin.

Miss Priss selected her small pumpkin and was found with the chapstick out a lot. Good thing I'm a smart mama and keep one in my pocket all the time.

Drama Queen with her selection.

Diva and I saw lots of people carrying around two pumpkins at a time just like this. Didn't they know they looked ri-donk-u-lous? We think this picture is funny!

Cowgirl and her prized pumpkin.

Drama Queen on the hayride.

We had a blast and will probably return next year too. However, we are still searching for a REAL pumpkin patch.
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