It's warm out right now but when it was nice and cool out, we would have cocoa before the bus would come. I can't wait for more cocoa mornings to come. I love fall!

Cowgirl sittin' on the stool enjoying her cup.

Miss Priss gettin' a cocoa mustache!

Diva - I got her to stop just long enough to snap a picture. You get this girl talking over a cup of cocoa and she just doesn't stop. She goes on and on and on. Guess that's a sign she's really 12 and gettin' to be too grown up. 

Miss Priss has had perfect attendance so she got to wear a hat of her choice to school. She picked this one out all on her own. (I have no idea why there isn't a picture of Drama Queen from this Friday morning but apparently she dodged the camera - she had cocoa too)
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