Yes! You heard it first here. Miss Priss is Tri-Lingual. Guess she follows in Big Daddy's footsteps.
We were sitting at the doctors office yesterday and she looks at me and says, "I know how to clap in Spanish." I smile and say, "Oh, you do?" She proceeds to hold up both her hands and shakes them twisting at the wrist - making no noise at all. She's beaming! I tell her, "That's how you clap in sign language." "Oh, then I know how to clap in Spanish too," she says. She then claps her hands. "Mom, I'm smart." "Yes, Miss Priss you are." Now, I am smiling ear to ear because this is just too funny. I couldn't pop her bubble! She was quite proud of herself.
Hey, if you can get her to be able to sign she'd be set for life. There are not enough people who know how to sign for people who cannot hear. Could end up being a great career path for her or her sisters. They're all fabulous!