Last Tuesday, while Miss Priss was eating her breakfast, she came running into the living room to inform me there was a turtle out on the lawn. I was surprised to see him/her as we've never seen one near our Patch of Heaven. Apparently he/she is a native tortoise and likes to eat prickly pear. We have plenty of that out here on the property so I'm sure he/she was just looking for a tasty treat. We held on to our tortoise for the day so Big Daddy could see him/her. We set up a nice little box with pine shavings, water, a carrot, some grapes and some lettuce. We named our tortoise, Valentine. We painted a nice heart on Valentines back so if he/she wants to come back to visit, we will know who it is. Drama Queen walked Valentine out to the edge of the property and set him/her free. We've not seen Valentine again but we do hope someday to have our special visitor return.

Last Tuesday we also Tye Dyed a bunch of shirts. I should have worn the gloves included in the kit. I was many shades of various colors and had to deal with that for several days. All of you who really know me, Little Mama, know I have issues with dirty hands. Here is the results of just a couple of the shirts we made.

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