We have been busy! Sorry for the lack of posts. This is what we've been up to. . .
- planting more trees in the orchard
- making a flower box
- organizing the shed
- making a teeter totter for the girls
- organizing and rearranging the office
- cutting and trimming the mesquite trees
- burning the brush and having the fire department show up
- shooting at the neighbors dog when it's on our property (the dog is now missing and the neighbors blame us)
- building a new chicken coop
- buying a few new chicks
- going to the coast to get sunburned
- sleeping on the trampoline
- hanging out with friends
- working
- looking into the homeschool options for next year for the 3 oldest
- going to the zoo
- melting plastic in the dishwasher
- taking pictures of the Big Moon
- making spaghetti sauce and almost catching on fire
- getting the lawn tractor fixed
- spending way too much money at Lowes
- and preparing for Big Daddy's Deployment
We've been spending TONS of time together as a family. That's what counts!